public class BTree<K extends java.io.Serializable & java.lang.Comparable,V extends java.io.Serializable,S extends java.io.Serializable>
A B+Tree
implemented using PageStorage
This is a B-Plus-Tree; values are stored only in leaf nodes.
), "value" is a
user-supplied value (no restrictions) and "ordinal" is an integer
indicating the number of keys in the tree less than this one.
Note that the ordinal is not actually stored in the tree, and
inserting a new value can potentially modify the ordinals of all
preexisting elements! Each of the getXXX() methods takes one of
these three coordinates (Ord, Key, or
Val) and returns one of the others, or else a count
(Num). Additionally, the getXXXFromKey() methods include
floor/ceiling versions that take an upper/lower bound and search
for the largest/smallest key which is less/greater than the one
supplied.The BTree supports appending a new element (that is, inserting a value with a key greater than any key in the table) in near-constant time (Actually log*(n)) and all other queries in log(n) time. All operations are done in a single pass down the BTree from the root to the leaves; this brings two benefits: the data structure can be made concurrent with very little lock contention and it can support copy-on-write shadow versions.
You must distinguish between insert() and replace() ahead of time; you can't call insert() on a key that is already in the tree or replace() on one that isn't. In order to replace() on a BTree with a summary the summary product operation must be commutative and invertible, and you must know the old value which you are replacing. This lets us update the interior node invariants as we walk down the tree and avoid having to walk back up afterwards. If you're not sure if a key is in the tree, just do a get() -- the net result is two passes over the tree, which is what we'd have to do anyways if the user didn't distinguish insert() from replace(). We're just offering the option to double the performance in the case where the user already knows if the key is in the tree or not.
You can associate a summary with each leaf node of the BTree.
In order to do this, you must provide an instance of AssociativeOperation
to the BTree when you construct it. The AssociativeOperation knows
the key and value type of the BTree, and must know two things:
Each node of the BTree uses one page of the PageStorage; we don't yet support situations where a single page is too small for one key and one value.
The coding style in this file is pretty unusual; it looks a lot like "Java as a better C". This is mainly because Hotspot is remarkably good at inlining methods, but remarkably bad (still, even in Java 1.7) at figuring out when it's safe to unbox values. So I expend a lot of effort trying not to create boxed values, but don't worry at all about the overhead of method calls, particularly when made via "final" references (nearly always inlined). I don't code this way very often -- I reserve this for the 2% of my code that bears 98% of the performance burden. There is anecdotal evidence that using the server JVM rather than the client JVM yields a dramatic increase in performance; this coding style is especially friendly to the server JVM's optimization techniques.
Keys, values, and summary elements are stored in unboxed form. This means that each of these types must know how to serialize itself to and deserialize itself from a sequence of bytes, and it must be possible to perform the important operations (comparison for keys, product for summary values) on these values in unboxed form. The reasons for this are set out in the previous paragraph. See the package btree.unboxed for further details.
Constructor Summary | |
BTree(CachingPageStorage ps,
UnboxedComparable<K> uk,
Unboxed<V> uv,
UnboxedFunction<Pair<K,V>,S> summarize,
AssociativeOperation<S> combine)
Create a BTree. |
Method Summary | |
void |
remove all entries |
static void |
debugging method; may go away in future releases |
static void |
dumpStats(java.io.PrintStream pw)
debugging method; may go away in future releases |
V |
getKeyFromKeyNext(K key)
returns the least key strictly greater than the argument |
V |
getKeyFromKeyPrev(K key)
returns the greatest key strictly less than the argument |
K |
getKeyFromOrd(int ord)
returns the i^th key in the tree |
int |
getNumFromKeys(K min,
K max)
Returns the number of entries in the tree with a key between min and max inclusive; if either min or max is null it is treated as negative or positive infinity (respectively) |
int |
getOrdFromKey(K key)
returns the ordinal of the given key, or -1 if not found |
int |
getOrdFromKeyCeiling(K key)
returns the ordinal of the smallest key greater than or equal to the one supplied |
int |
getOrdFromKeyFloor(K key)
returns the ordinal of the largest key less than or equal to the one supplied |
S |
getSummaryFromKeys(K min,
K max)
compute the summary of all (key,value) pairs between min and max, inclusive |
V |
getValFromKey(K key)
returns the value in the tree, or null if not found |
V |
getValFromKeyCeiling(K key)
returns the value of the smallest key greater than or equal to the one supplied |
V |
getValFromKeyFloor(K key)
returns the value of the largest key less than or equal to the one supplied |
V |
getValFromOrd(int ord)
returns the i^th value in the tree |
void |
insert(K key,
V val)
will throw an exception if the key is already in the tree |
V |
remove(K key)
returns value previously in the tree; will throw an exception if the key is not already in the tree |
V |
replace(K key,
V val)
returns value previously in the tree; will throw an exception if the key is not already in the tree |
int |
same as getNumFromKeys(null,null) |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Constructor Detail |
public BTree(CachingPageStorage ps, UnboxedComparable<K> uk, Unboxed<V> uv, UnboxedFunction<Pair<K,V>,S> summarize, AssociativeOperation<S> combine)
- the PageStorage to hold the underlying bytesuk
- the unboxed type for keys (must be comparable)uv
- the unboxed type for valuessummarize
- the function which summarizes a single (key,value) paircombine
- the function which associatively combines two summariesMethod Detail |
public int getNumFromKeys(K min, K max)
public int size()
public V getValFromKey(K key)
public V getValFromKeyFloor(K key)
public V getValFromKeyCeiling(K key)
public int getOrdFromKey(K key)
public int getOrdFromKeyFloor(K key)
public int getOrdFromKeyCeiling(K key)
public V getKeyFromKeyNext(K key)
public V getKeyFromKeyPrev(K key)
public V getValFromOrd(int ord)
public K getKeyFromOrd(int ord)
public void insert(K key, V val)
public V replace(K key, V val)
public V remove(K key)
public void clear()
public S getSummaryFromKeys(K min, K max)
public static void clearStats()
public static void dumpStats(java.io.PrintStream pw)